A haughty Vulcan challenges the emotional Sisko to a game of baseball and we got us a shenanigans episode, y’all! But what’s this about an ethnoship? Take me out, please.
Light and Shadows is Fine (Discovery S2E07)
We finally have Spock, and it is … fine. Time rifts are fine. We’re… pretty good?
For all the leadup to this episode it didn’t instill any wild emotions that we’ll need to use our logic to suppress.
Pike and Tyler get caught up in some time shenanigans and learn a little bit about themselves.
Bucky with the Good Hair returns! (twitter.com/buckyWTgoodhair)
Wade turns to Kristin from Toronto for her thoughts on the Kickers of Elves discord.
What about that space dyslexia?
What do we think of some of the theories and predictions out there on the web?
We have some other shows to talk about at the end.
check out the patreon, whydoncha?
Does Ezri Dax even want to be on Deep Space Nine? Well of course she does, but the show needs an episode to integrate a counselor into station life. Garak and Worf especially have some issues to deal with.
Is season 7 back on track?
A Sound of Thunder and Criticism (Discovery S2E06)
Saru goes home and isn’t putting up with any bs. But we are.
Benny Scheckner (instagram.com/chickenbonesontheground) joins Wade, Glen Hall and Sean Perrotta to say nice things about Star Trek Discovery.
What IS a companion, really?
Continue reading “A Sound of Thunder and Criticism (Discovery S2E06)”
Shadows and Symbols (DS9 S7E02)
We learn a little something about Ben Sisko’s origin. OH, and it’s time to spend more time with that “Ezri Dax” that showed up at the end of last episode.
Research: Website coming soon.
Ezri: No stumbling out the gate on this one.
Would we have still preferred some stunt casting? What was the thinking behind picking Nicole De Boer?
Apologies for the Imperfection (Discovery S2E05)
A rescue is launched into the mycelial network and more than just Tilly gets pulled out.
This week we’re joined by another friend of the podcast, Kristin Mueller-Heaslip, “Kristin from Toronto” herself.
Glen watched Season 1, leaving Sean as the clueless one.
How did we feel about this episode? What was fantastic, what was great, and what wasn’t? Did it hold up to repeated viewings?
What is “Saints of Imperfection” a reference to?
Continue reading “Apologies for the Imperfection (Discovery S2E05)”
Image in the Sand – Season 7 Premiere!
Season Seven commences! Sisko is off the station again and everyone is trying to deal with the catastrophes of season Six. What will the final season of Deep Space Nine entail?
Hashish Platinum- Watchmen Ep. 3
![A Book Club for Hell World](https://i0.wp.com/kickersofelves.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Podbadge-copy.png?resize=525%2C525)
An Opal for Sharon?
Wade and his regular crew of scabs are joined by journalist and legit Star Trek expert, Ryan Britt (@ryancbritt on twitter).
Is this an objectively good episode of Star Trek? Ryan brings his insight as to how Discovery fits into canon. Theories and predictions are discussed.
DS9 Season 6: The White Album
Our White Albums for Season 6! It’s that time again, where we each cut a full 26 90’s season of television into a concise modern 8 to 12 episode series.
Turns out we line up pretty well. What did we keep and what got cut?