This season of Lower Decks is over, which means it’s time to retire “Under the Bridge.” No overdoses are expected, but then there’s always Star Trek: Discovery coming up, so who knows if we’ll get a killer dose of Trek or not.
In the final podcast of the season, we finally get the show we wanted, and realize which of us is the Boimler and who is the Mariner style “agent of chaos.”
Catch up on all the episodes this season, and be on the lookout for what’s next for Star Trek Resignation. It might not be all that long of a wait!
If you’re caught up on Lower Decks or not, it’s a great time to jump on Under the Bridge. For the first time in over five years of being in the other room from Wade, Joanie Baczewski joins to give more opinions on Star Trek from someone who doesn’t really know much about Star Trek. The episode after that also dropped this week and is pretty fun.
What the hell, man. What’s with yet another name change? Seriously. Ok, here’s the straight goss: I was getting tired of “rebranding” this and changing the name every time a new Star Trek show aired – From A Discovery Home Companion to Can’t Picardly Wait to whatever this is- and then what, change the feed back to “DiscoHome”? Sure, I could just put up a new feed, but then you’d have to find it all over again, and who wants that? Also: I’m cheap. A bold choice was made to try and settle on a single, unchanging, name for the Discovery Home/Picardly Waiting/ The Next Thing feed. Days of bickering ensued. So much thought and navel gazing happened until nothing made sense, like spelling a word over and over again until even the correct way looks ridiculous and wrong. Nerves and friendships were frayed. Nothing was resolved. Finally “Star Trek Resignation” slipped out like a wet fart, and we were simply too weak to fight for anything better. We resigned ourselves to nitpicking and criticism, and just let it happen- Hey, sounds like a Star Trek Podcast to me!
But we’re talking about Lower Decks! What does Resignation have to do with that? Another dumb name we just couldn’t resist came about, so we’re also calling our Lower Decks podcast Under the Bridge. “Are you High? But the feed is Star Trek Resignation,” you say, angrily. Don’t overthink it. Think of “Under the Bridge” like a subtitle if you have to. Resign yourself to it; like how Glen, Sean, and I resigned ourselves to talking about Star Trek; or else resign completely from these new Star Trek shows podcasts, like James and Hugh did.
Are you a regular visitor to this site, but not any of the other places where Kickers of Elves content appears? Are you sad and confused by the lack of updates? Well hey, we haven’t gone anywhere!
Wade, James and Hugh have been keeping track of Hell World and life in the time of Corona over at the Kickers of Elves Patreon
The Rules of Acquisition has been irregularly posting “The RoA Remix” to all the regular places that RSS feed shows up.
and get ready for more Trek content soon over at Can’t Picardly Disco Home or whatever it is we’re calling that this week.
Intro – We are getting tired. And the book starts to wear thin on some of us.
Chapter 5: The Rafters and the Beams (skip to 6:40) –
We get the history of African immigrants to Northampton. Black Charley
leaves the third dimension. A new character is introduced.
Chapter 6: Under the Bridge of All Saints (skip to 24:17) – A play about pedophilia. And incest. Becketts and Johns are there. We have a strong reaction to it.
Chapter 7: Eating Flowers (skip to 43:25) – Snowy Dies. The Universe ends… eventually. Snowy lives again.
Chapter 8: Cornered (skip to 1:05:40) –
Jim Cockie is marxist. Well, a reformed Marxist. But really he is just a
neolib twat. Roman Thompson thinks he is a wanker. But also maybe he is
being haunted.
Wade is joined by Courtney Bowen and Lane Bowen to talk about the Short Trek, “Calypso,” written by novelist Michael Chabon.
Just how many scifi references can three people see in a 15 minute short? From Her to Ursula K. Le Guin, to Mass Effect, and Asimov’s Foundation.
But most importantly, The Odyssey.
that we hit on a few of the latest news and reveals in the realm of new
Star Trek. From the Picard show’s airdate to crude opinions on the
latest Spock and Gregory Peck’s grandson.
Think we’re kind of
being jerks about the whole thing? To Gregory Peck’s grandson? Want to
yell at Wade for getting it all wrong and confusing Calypso with Circe?
Well come at us at 917 408 3898
Wade sees a lot of themes Moore will later revisit in Jerusalem in the Doctor Manhattan chapter.
Fearful Symmetry. Oh hey look: symmetry.Black freighters and toy manufacturers. All bout that Grateful Dead poster. Rorshach’s Abyss. Has this aged the worst for us?
For “the greatest super hero story ever told” we sure have a lot of criticisms to make.
Intro – A sense of foreboding descends as we fret about the chance of an unsatisfying ending. Also, Dis book gets tough to read! Themes over plot. Joyce gets talked about, but not for last time.
Chapter 1: Clouds Unfold (skip to 7:44) – Might Mike finally speaks to us, but all that we hear is an argument about Free Will vs Determinism.
Chapter 2: A Cold and Frosty Morning (skip to 25:40) – Alma is finally the focus of a chapter, but all that we hear is an argument about Free Will vs Determinism.
Chapter 3: Round the Bend (skip to 47:24) – Loutal Joysea prenombulems round she ass y lums, ilbratses er concorpsescents… doubly sew, haunts Lucia nuts of materkynds tanks due all so womensole, a elast comborts into farces your two gramble calvon Freezed bills vagses Dieter man is him.
Chapter 4: Burning Gold (skip to 1:14:15) – Roman Thompson is like if Oliver Twist grew up to be Buenaventura Durruti, but without a Civil War to fight. Also, We learn the history of the British Pound. There is probably some Free Will vs Determinism in there somewhere.
Intro – We talk about… basically stuff we will talk about later too. We have lots of theories.
Chapter 9: The Trees Don’t Need to Know (skip to 15:55) – Marjorie drowned, and then fell in love with the written word. We talk about Phyllis alot though. And there is a semen obsessed sea monster. I guess that is worth mentioning. Also, some incest and rape is discussed.
Chapter 10: Forbidden Worlds (skip to 43:35) – Bill’s chapter. But wha’s up wit his mom? TRIGGER WARNING: Violent rape is unfortunately discussed at a tasteful but substantial length.
Chapter 11: The Destructor (skip to 1:12:50) – “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, that each time ended, either in the revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes.”