Kira’s mom did WHAT? A big secret revealed and Kira goes into the past to verify it for herself.
Things that make you go hmm. What’s the deal with this episode?
Kira and Dukat got some things to work out. such as…
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Kira’s mom did WHAT? A big secret revealed and Kira goes into the past to verify it for herself.
Things that make you go hmm. What’s the deal with this episode?
Kira and Dukat got some things to work out. such as…
Worf and Jadzia hit a rough spot in their marriage.
But first, is this B plot even a plot? What is a satisfying resolution? Opinions are surprisingly (or unsurprisingly) divided.
Intro – We talk about how Alan Moore writes a lot, and how that is overwhelming.
Chapter 5: Flatland (skip to 13:07) – Reggie Bowler had a horrible life, but his death is turning out to be a hoot.
Chapter 6: Mental F(l)ights (skip to 31:35) – Two big guys get into a fight over a game of pool. One of them called the other a naughty word.
Chapter 7: Silent Swords (skip to 50:40) – War! Huh! What is it good for? Controlling the masses and entrenching oppressive power structures. Say it again!
Chapter 8: Malignant Refractory Spirits (skip to 1:18:50) – Some naked ladies start a fire and probably all free will is a lie.
For The Hashish and Superiority Book Club:
A B-Side to our ongoing Alan Moore content.
As much as he may hate it, it’s the book that will probably be mentioned first in his obituary. We read the first three chapters of Watchmen and talked about it.
What are some of the themes, some of the politics, and how does this book reflect a younger writer nearer to the beginning of his career?
Check it out on Patreon through the link below.
O’Brien goes undercover! Noir it up.
Knives out!
Does a Donnie Brasco plot negate any worth of a mob episode?
When mixing genres is it necessary to transcend the classic tropes or is it ok to just do a noir well by it’s own rules?
James and Wade disagree mightily about the ways one can resolve a third act. Continue reading “Honor Among Thieves (DS9 S6E15)”
Episode 5- Jerusalem: Mansoul (Part 1)
Intro – We find this all fun and weird. Victorian children’s novels are discussed. So is the fourth dimension.
Come along on a fantastic voyage with us! Miles, Julian, and Jadzia are shrunk down while the rest of the Defiant crew is overrun by Jem Hadar. Oh no.
Uh oh it’s a tiny ship episode. Think you know we’re going to feel about this episode? The answer just may surprise you! Continue reading “One Little Ship (S6E14)”
Episode 4 – Jerusalem: The Boroughs (Part 3)
Intro – We remark on how this week’s reading is almost like reading a normal book.
Continue reading “Episode 4 – Jerusalem: The Boroughs (Part 3)”
Who is the dreamer, Benjamin Sisko or Benny Russell?
Is this the best Star Trek episode ever made? The best Deep Space Nine? On our most recent rewatch this episode feels more powerful than ever.