Sadly, from now on all our trips Under the Bridge will have much sadder implications going forward, as the podcast sub-series we’ve done for all five seasons is closing shop along with the last standing animated trek show. Listen to them all in this final, most prurient season.
Star Trek Resignation began as a humble tv podcast called A Discovery Home Companion. Before the first episode of Discovery even aired, we were there. Or not all of us. Glen and Sean were elsewhere. It got messy over the years. Threads were lost. Segments came and went. Hosts too. Guests happened. The podcast settled into the show it is now. Now Star Trek Discovery has aired its finale. And us? We’re done with it.
Did you watch the finale of Star Trek: Discovery? Well we did! We just haven’t released the podcast yet.
Savor the bittersweet memories, and catch up with our coverage of episodes 8 and 9 of Season 5, Labyrinth and Lagrange Point. We’ll treat you good. Unless you’re in tears over the show ending. We have things to say. And we’ll have more to say about the finale very soon!
Wade, Glen and Sean are back. We come not to bury Star Trek: Discovery, but to praise it… what we can about it. It’s dying at the end of the season anyway. We also come to criticize. Mostly that. But for the right reasons, people. We promise. If you hate how gay it is, we can’t help you there. That goes back to the things we can say positive about it. Why does every criticism of this show have to start off on the defensive about how great diversity is?
There’s a whole season of a podcast about a season of a show we like, all ready for you to catch up on. This latest season of Lower Decks wasn’t our favorite yet, but we do like our cartoons. Check it out and tell all your friends who listen to podcasts, because just how is one supposed to market a podcast these days? None of us are famous. Far from it! Even if Wade Bowen is a semi famous country musician.
Living with Trauma, Wade, Glen, and Sean are evaluating their relationship to Star Trek: Discovery and making the changes needed to solve the problem of how to podcast about it.
Is season 4 the best the show has ever been? What does that even mean?
Check out Kickers of Elves on Patreon, where twice this week we try to get to the bottom of some of the current idiocy. Parents Just Don't Understand. because… Information Rumspringa?
And hey look! Star Trek Content! For free! On Under the Bridge we’re covering Star Trek: Lower Decks, and realizing how it’s doing the work of television well in a way that the higher profile shows could probably learn something from. Characters that have meaningful and believable arcs? On a dumb reference cartoon?!