The regular James returns. Is it the same podcast on down throughout every reality?
First, a synopsis! We haven’t actually done many of those. Are you ready for some hot logging action?
Do we live in simulation? Is it turtles all the way down?
Is there some Snow Crash in this?
Work and labor! Do the economics of this book fall flat? Is this a libertarian text?
Is Bitworld’s similarity to our world the point?
How confounding is this to the general reader? Do other books have a more balanced perspective? Should the book be testing its own thesis in its text?
Does it always come back to Ursula K. LeGuin?
Is this like reading a Foundation book?
Is this book a complete antithesis to Alan Moore’s Jerusalem on a number of levels?
Is Fantasy as a genre necessarily synonymous with Adventure?
But enough of our opinions: What do other Stephenson fans at r/sciencefiction think about how his books end?
How does having kids affect one’s desire for a tight plot structure? Do unemotional/emotional 20 year olds have a better tolerance or patience for long books of this nature?
So many questions.
RATE the podcast. Mind your consonants, people!
Listeners from Season 1 can check out the patreon for a few cut regarding Alan Moore’s Jerusalem