Welcome to The Hashish and Superiority Book Club, a podcast where we hoped to tackle the large and weighty tomes of great (or not so great) fiction we find pertinent to the modern world – heretofore to be referred to as Hell World. Each season of the podcast will tackle either one large work or one author, dissecting what makes them lasting and important to the modern hellscape. We are Kickers of Elves, a group of podcasting sad bastards consisting of Wade Bowen, James Nolen, and Hugh Crawford. For Season 1 we read the entire 600k word, 1300pg doorstop by Alan Moore named Jerusalem (2016). For season 2 we read Neal Stephenson’s Fall; or Dodge in Hell and it nearly tore us apart. We’ve talked books here and there but doing a full season is scary after what Neal put us through. Call it a hiatus.
Neal Stephenson’s Fall; or, Dodge in Hell
Bonus: Much A-Dune About Nothing: The Book (unlocked from Patreon)