Happy Birthday Alan Moore

You maybe noticed the internet lose it’s mind over Alan Moore saying some disparaging things about superheros three years ago. As if his thoughts weren’t well known. Well, if you haven’t read the book he wishes were what people remembered him for instead of Watchmen, then why not read his novel Jerusalem and follow along with season 1 of the Hashish and Superiority Book Club?

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Catching Up with KoE

A month and no updates? What is going on? If you’re a patron or follow us at other places you know we haven’t been completely silent. And if you only check the website… really? Oh wow. Oh, and Wade celebrated the birth of his firstborn son. So that kept him busy.
If you’re subscribed to the Rules of Acquisition you’ve probably noticed the “ROA Remix” episodes we’ve been putting out. A lot has changed since we started re-watching Deep Space Nine in 2015. Each week another Kicker is listening to an episode of the ROA and commenting on how naive we were, and how cheap the microphones we had back then. Most recently this week Wade listened to the early Season 1 episode “Babel”

On the Patreon, we’ve been very into Righteous Gemstones. Plus we had a patron hangout on the question “Does Spock Suck?” Hear some of James and Hugh’s thoughts on both here

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But that’s not all we’ve been up to. We’ve been hard at work preparing for the next season of the Hashish and Superiority Book Club. We’ve been dragging out the reveal of what our next book much longer than likely necessary. Promise there will be a big update on that soon!

To Catch Up On Us and Voicemails

Voicemails?! Remember those?  So do we!

What has happened since last we updated? How have our lives changed forever since we finished watching every episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine? 

What else is in store from Kickers of Elves on the RoA feed?   Hugh has some deets. What is The RoA Remix?  What is this about these TNG roundtables? 

Is this the end voicemails?  No!

Continue reading “To Catch Up On Us and Voicemails”

We’re Still Here!

Expect more Kickers of Elves content on the Rules of Acquisition feed very soon.

That voicemail episode will be coming next week, along with more news about what we’re doing.

Plus more for patrons:

More info on this for patrons!

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James and Hugh HATE Dune

While Wade’s out on paternity, The Hashish and Superiority Book Club unlocked the first two episodes of “Much A-Dune About Nothing,” our exploration of Frank Herbert’s Dune. In these episodes we cover the book, and emotions run high.

Patrons can check out more yelling about Dune. where we cover David Lynch’s 1984 film adaptation, the 2013 Documentary Jodorowsky’s Dune, and the 2000 Scifi channel Dune miniseries.
