A Finder’s Guide to the films of David Lynch

So you want to listen along to Kickers of Elves on Lynch but haven’t watched the movies yet? We got you covered.

Where does one find all these films anyway? Turns out it’s not an easy answer. The streaming rights seem to be spread all over the place, if there are any in place at all. We talk about this some in the podcast episodes-
I’m not listening to the episode because I haven’t seen the movie yet, asshole!
Oh right. Of course. I’ll detail below where we watched each film and maybe how you could do the same. Some of these are hard to find. The number one option I’d put here is CHECK OUT YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY. Blockbuster and the neighborhood video store are dead, but turns out libraries have a lot of that shit available for free. And interlibrary loans are a thing so you might stand good odds of finding things there if you live in the right place. And this is the only way to do it for free… unless you’re a bad sinful person and willing to go to the high seas [Some of you know what I mean. Those that don’t… don’t worry about it.]

Anyways, here’s how we watched the films of David Lynch for the podcast:

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