Season 2 concludes! Not all of us were very fond of Fall; or, Dodge in Hell, were we?
Fall; or, Dodge in Hell: Part 10 – Conflict Really Escalates in this One
A Quest! A new story begins. But we’re at the end! How many stories does this book need?
Does this novel have a consistent theme or not?
Things pop off and tension runs high.
Some of the discussion goes back to the Moab section. And some other topics are revisited.
Watch out!
We go full reaility show drama/American Chopper Meme with this one.
Fall; or, Dodge in Hell: Part 8 – A Gnostic Simulation
This one was little late guys. We’re sorry. We experienced a loss with this episode. There may, however, be a technological solution. Listen for a note at the top of the episode to explain further, but the short is:
A routine procedure went awry. James is Gone (No, he’s not!).
Maybe he is here, in some sense.
What exactly does Gnosticism have to do with Dodge in Hell? Quite a lot it turns out!
We read the beginning of Book 2 of Fall for this installment, but even if you haven’t read it that’s ok. It’s a book about a simulated afterlife. Lets talk about simulations and their worth. Maybe we’ll argue [Wait, who’s arguing?] about why people do things and how they behave in this book.
Fall; or, Dodge in Hell: Parts 6 and 7 – Arguing about the Afterlife
Book One ends, but we’re still arguing the premise of the book.
How is this thing structured anyway? Do these people even believe in an afterlife?
Continue reading “Fall; or, Dodge in Hell: Parts 6 and 7 – Arguing about the Afterlife”Fall; or, Dodge in Hell: Parts 4 and 5 – This Meeting is Out of Order
With Ameristan behind us, it’s time to head back to the back to the conference room. Things get heated. More analyzing the mental state of the author. Is he calming? Is he ok? Are we ok? Are you ok? Just what is happing here?
Fall; or, Dodge in Hell: Parts 2 and 3 – Blowing up
We think we have a better idea of the book now, but do we? Is this an angry book where Neal is working out his feelings on the 2016 election? Are dumb people the biggest problem in the world? Welcome to Ameristan! Is this intellectual elitism? Plus we meet Enoch Root. More predictions and trying to figure this thing out. Are we right? Wrong? What a sex scene!
Continue reading “Fall; or, Dodge in Hell: Parts 2 and 3 – Blowing up”Fall; or, Dodge in Hell: Part 1 – Getting Started
We’re into Fall! What do we think about the book so far and just how wrong are we about what’s going to come next? First off though, we have to talk more about Neal Stephenson and the ideas he likes to write about. Or doesn’t.
Continue reading “Fall; or, Dodge in Hell: Part 1 – Getting Started”Hashish and Superiority Season 2! Why are we reading Fall; or, Dodge in Hell?

Season two commences! Why are we reading this book, what are our backgrounds with Neal Stephenson, and will we survive? Listen to the first episode, and maybe grab the book and join the club!